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Your Parenting Journey: The First 6 Months
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Let me guide you with your baby!
Introduction to the Course
A Note about Premature Babies
Basic Baby Care
Why Babies Cry
Soothing a Fussy Baby and Tips for Coping
Pacifiers and Pacifier Weaning
Feeding Your Baby
Hunger Cues
How Much and How Often Should Your Baby Eat?
Cluster Feeding
Introducing a Bottle to a Breastfed Baby
Paced Bottle Feeding for the Bottle Fed Baby
Feeding a Distracted Baby
Burps, Gas, Spit-Up, and Reflux
Should You Give Your Baby Probiotics?
Vomiting in Your Baby
Does Your Baby Need Vitamin D?
Bottle Weaning and Introducing a Cup
Solids Readiness and Starting Solids
Diapers and Constipation
Diaper Rash and Labial Adhesions
Baby's Temperature and Fevers
Common Baby Skin Conditions
Weight Gain and Growth Spurts
Is This Thrush or Milk Tongue?
Baby Drool, Drool Rash, and Teething
Blocked Tear Duct
Your Baby Might Lose their Hair!
How to Prevent Flat Spots
Infant Congestion
Baby Development & Milestones
Playing with Your Baby
Tummy Time
Motor Development
Social Development
Emotional Development
Baby's Schedule & Sleep
Starting a Daily Routine
Common Tired Cues
The Sleep Cycle and Sleep Regressions
Transitioning Out of the Swaddle
Introducing a Bedtime Routine
Naps and Wake Windows
Safe Sleep
Does Your Baby Need Vitamin D?
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